Jerry, fantastic

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Birthday wishes

It's my 33rd birthday today. It's weird being here. I remember being in 4th grade and my teacher talking about the "future" and 2000 and beyond and I thought "I'll be in my 30's - weird - I wonder what I'll be doing?" Well, I'm not doing what I'd like to be doing - but I'm in the "real world" working and trying to pay bills. I had hoped to see my name on the big screen:


...perhaps someday. I don't have to stop dreaming or hoping just because I'm 33. But, I'd never have guessed that I'd be where I health, my location, my job at the U of M, life - perhaps not knowing where I'd be is why my name isn't in the credits for scoring music for a film??


Happy Birthday to me - Jerry, fantastic.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Chaos Theory

Physics fascinates me. However I have yet to comprehend the Chaos Theory. Must research....Actually, I should write an autobiography and entitle it "The Chaos Theory."


Thursday, February 10, 2005

To the Gay "community" of Minneapolis

Dear God take a chance - say "HI" to someone you don't know - quit whining about "drama" and people with "issues" - everyone has issues - don't be so self-absorbed - if a guy smiles at you - smile back - end your passive-aggressive personalities - make a difference - have something to show the world besides your ever-lasting quest for perfect pecs - look for beauty within - stop pretending you have yourself all figured out - stop waiting and start doing - if you think you're hot shit, most likely you're an empty shell - have issues - be imperfect - laugh at yourself - open up - be proud of yourself not your label - stop being a bitch - take a risk - enjoy something other than the superficial - stop dissing older gay men - they paved the roads you now take advantage of - have respect - share yourself.